Monday, September 28, 2015

Eating Vegan on $3/Day: Day 4 (part 2)

I'm actually enjoying this. Before I did it, I got a little intimidated by it. I was afraid it would be hard. The first day it really took a lot of planning and juggling to come up with something that filled my caloric needs, was reasonably balanced, and stayed within my budget. However, it's getting easier by the day and each day I think of something new that I could make that would fit well within my budget, satisfy my nutritional needs, and be tasty and fun to eat.

I'm reminded a lot of The Farm folks who were missionaries for a vegan diet and living simply. They insisted it could be fun, tasty, satisfying, and graceful. I agree. This challenge has put me back in touch with that.

Peter, I want to thank you for putting up that article. It's had quite an impact on me in a very positive way. Who would have guessed that your posting that article would shift my life a bit? Not me. Although I'm looking forward to Sunday when I can cut loose, (hint: chocolate!) I think the effect of this will continue. Thank you.

Here's Day #4's menu. I've already got ideas for some other good, cheap, vegan dishes to add to my diet. Thanks for being a catalyst for getting my creative juices flowing again. 

I'm getting better at this.

On one hand, I get these (so far manageable) cravings for chocolate, ice cream . . . mostly desserts. I see things that definitely don't fit into the $3/day budget and I want to eat them and have to say no. It's not bad, it's just there. Today, I felt like I just could not have another day of black beans and chili. So, I thought, I need something a little different.

The desire for something different that would fit into my budget got my creative juices flowing. I decided to make some garlic pasta to go with the chili tonight. And then I got what I thought was a brilliant idea to satisfy my craving for chocolate and for dessert: chocolate pudding! When I got home from work I looked up a recipe for cornstarch pudding in Joy of Cooking and modified it for my purposes. It was delicious! Meanwhile, I still had some smashed potatoes in the refrigerator and they were really good, too.

I also broke into the cantalope and ate another peach. They were both very tasty.

I came in at $2.76 today. I'm a little light on the calories but I don't feel hungry. If I wake up hungry during the night, I can always grab a tortilla. Still coming up short on the calcium. If I keep eating like this, I may be well advised to take a supplement.

Today's menu:

Wednesday, Day #4

The usual bran flakes, soy milk, and banana:  $.30


Black beans &rice:     $.39
Tea                              .01
Peach                           .46
Kale                             .15
            Total              1.01


Chili 1/2 c                      .13
Pasta, 1.5 oz.                  .10
Garlic oil ½ oz.                .07
Tomato 8 oz.                   .35
            Total                   .65


PB & Celery                     .19
Cantalope                       .17
Carrots 4 oz.                   .15
Chocolate pudding          .21
Smashed potatoes           .15
               Total                .87


Breakfast                       .30                      
Lunch                           1.01
Dinner                           .65          
Snacks                           .70
            Total                2.76

Nutritional content:

Calories:   1394
Protein:       56 g.
Fat:              43 g.
Carbs:        223 g.
Calcium:      37% RDA

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