Sunday, December 6, 2015

Eating Vegan on $3/Day: Day 7 (Last Day)

Last day of the experiment. I am so looking forward to not measuring, writing down, and calculating the cost of every single thing I eat! That has gotten much more tedious than eating chili, black beans, and dal every day.

Made some sauteed cabbage and onions for dinner tonight. I also made home made tofu Thursday night (something I do not necessarily advocate unless you love doing that sort of thing - more about that in another note) and so I cooked up a batch of scrambled tofu, enough for 3 meals. Ate the second half of the small loaf of bread I made Friday night. I'm thinking I should make a small pizza out of the other half of that dough. I also made chocolate pudding again. It turned out really well the first time. This time, something went horribly wrong and it got very lumpy. I think I must have mismeasured something. I ate it anyway.

Went to a dance and one of the dancers brought some small cookies that she made. I ate one early in the evening and then had a second shortly before I left. They were wonderful and not a significant factor in meeting my nutritional needs for the day.

Came in at a total of $2.74 for the day and a total of less than $18 for the week. Not bad. I'm a little light on the calories but I wasn't hungry. I'll add up the cost for the  whole week plus put up my shopping list in another note. I'll also put up my recipes for anyone who might be interested in some recipes for simple, frugal, vegan meals.

Saturday, Day #7

Bran flakes               .10
½ cup soy milk         .02
Catalope 1/6            . 17
Tea                            .01
            Total             .30

Dal & rice                .42
Broccoli 100 g.        .25
Tea                           .01
            Total            .68

Cabbage & Onions    .54
Blk Beans ½              .16
Chili ¾                      .20
Kale                          .15
        Total                1.05                                   .          

Carrots                        .15
PB & Celery               .19
Chocolate pudding     .21
Tortillas (2)                .14
Soy milk ½ cup          .02
               Total            .71

I had 2 small cookies at a dance

Saturday Day 7:
Breakfast    .30
Lunch         .68
Dinner      1.05
Snacks        .71
    Total     2.74

Nutritional content:
Calories:  1561
Protein:    67 g.
Fat:          55 g.
Carbs:    276 g.
Calcium:   51% RDA

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