Sunday, December 6, 2015

Eating Vegan on $3/Day: Day 6

So, Friday (day #6) I was faced with a decision: I went to Consuming Kinetics Dance Company's opening of their new studio that night and, as I expected, there was food available. Earlier in the week I'd been in a situation where snacks were offered and I passed. I did not want to rely on food from others during the experiment. However, this night, I really wanted to be able to have just a little, not to feed myself but for fun. It was a party, after all. When I arrived, there were sandwiches and fruit trays and I don't remember what else and there were some beautiful little cupcakes made by one of the members of CKDC. I looked at them and thought, I cannot pass them up. I had dinner before I left for the event so that I wasn't arriving hungry. I discussed my experiment with two folks I met at the opening and asked for their opinion on whether they thought I'd be out of integrity for having a cupcake. We discussed it over and, since I wasn't relying on it for my nutrition that day, they agreed that it did not violate the intention or the spirit of my experiment. The cupcakes were small and so I chose one of the three different kinds available and savored it. It was beautiful and delicious and I complimented the chef on her good work. Under more normal circumstances, I would have consumed other refreshments, too, but I decided against it. It was a pleasant evening and shortly before it was over, they were urging people to eat up what was left so they would not have to deal with it. I had another muffin, a different flavor, and savored it, too. Together, they did not amount to a lot. I figured that even when one is poor, one is sometimes offered food from a friend or at a party. It happens.

I ate pretty light on Friday. I got very engrossed in a project and just didn't want to stop to eat. I wasn't hungry, either.

I ran out of bananas and really missed them at breakfast. They are cheap and filling! But I'd gotten a great deal on kiwis at Aldi's - 6 for $1 - so I had that instead. Thursday night I had made tofu (more about that in another note, I don't necessarily advocate that) and so Friday I made scrambled tofu for dinner. It was delicious and enough for 3 meals. Also ate the second half of the bread with the garlic spread.

I am enjoying my experiment, keep thinking of things I could make, like a little pizza with the other half of the bread dough. The thing I'm most tired of at this point is writing down, measuring, and calculating the cost of every single thing I eat. I will be glad to stop doing that!

Total for the day: $2.08  Calories: 1584 (A little light, but I wasn't hungry.)

Friday, Day #6:

½ c Soy milk:      .02
Bran flakes:         .10
Kiwi:                   .17
Tea:                     .10
            Total        .39

Dal & rice              .42
Kale                       .15
Tea                         .01
            Total          .58

Scrambled Tofu    .26
WW Bread           .04
Tomato 150          .23
            Total        .53

PB & celery               .19
Carrots                       .15
Cantalope                   .17
½ cup brown rice       .07
            Total              .58

2 small muffins – free at an opening

Total Friday Day #6:

Breakfast           .39
Lunch                .58
Dinner               .53
Snacks               .58
      Total          2.08

Nutritional content
Calories:   1584
Protein:      63 g.
Fat:            45 g.
Carbs:      309 g.  

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